MH 360.1
Live today, and everyday, for JOY – for Jesus, for others, and then for yourself. #4JOY #GoldenRule
Think about two things your spouse did for you that you really appreciated and share with them one. #4JOY #GoldenRule
Someone you know needs some encouragement – why not surprise them with some today #4JOY #GoldenRule
Noteworthy: 2017 – Week 27
Clippings from articles that I found noteworthy this past week:
Michigan Conference Bans George Knight’s Books from Its ABC Stores – full article.
Andrews University Names VP for Diversity and Inclusion. New position was created to provide leadership for equity and diversity on campus. – full article.
Where Have All the Babies Gone? Birth Rate in U.S. Reaches Record Low. The birth rate in the United States declined to a record low in 2016, according to new data released by the National Center for Health Statistics. – full article.
Christian Singing Group’s Cover of ‘What a Beautiful Name’ Gets over 11 Million Views – full article.
Church, Family, Millennials, and the Success Sequence. When people get educated, get a job, get married, and then have babies, and in that order, their lives go dramatically better. George Will wrote yesterday about the “Success Sequence.” – full article.
Pathfinders Views on Healthful Living. At the 2014 Forever Faithful International Pathfinder Camporee (FFIPC), the Institute of Church Ministry (ICM) conducted research on attendees’ views on various areas of their lives; this study included 940 participants. – full article.
Summer Is the Perfect Time to Practice Parent-Centered Education. Keep your kid’s brain engaged. – full article.
Series Focused on Transformed Lives Captures Six Awards. “Life on the Line” tells stories of people impacted by Loma Linda health ministry. – full article.
Mark Zuckerberg Is Clueless About Church If He Thinks Facebook Can Replicate It. Facebook reflects a diseased society that has failed to share its faith with the next generation, and has succumbed instead to moralistic therapeutic deism. – full article.
Review: Spider-Man: Homecoming – Diverse, entertaining reboot has some language, violence. full review.
Mark 7:36
If those who were told by Him not to share could not help but to, how much more passionately should we #ShareJesus?
We should take pleasure in doing good, but not in its being known. #ShareJesus #Encounters #DailyDevo
Blotted Out
I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel. (Numbers 24:17)
These are the true words of a false prophet, false to himself and the principles of truth; but the Spirit of God came overwhelmingly upon Balaam and he spoke the truth. He predicted the rise of the Star of Jacob, even the Lord Jesus Christ.
How sad it is to have a part in the work and Word of God and then depart from it!
It has been said that, “Anyone who sells hIs hope of eternal life for any price that earth has to offer sells out too cheap, and he who exchanges the greatest of treasures of earth for the true riches makes the best of bargains. Poor Balaam! He was one of those the Prophet Jeremiah spoke of – who having eyes, see not (Jer. 5:21). In his case gold hid God.
A man once visited Robert Hall, the great English Baptist minister, to complain of some statements he had made in a sermon. It was evident that man was in bondage to the love of money. Hall opened his Bible, found the name of God, and while pointing to God’s name asked, “Can you see that? “Certainly,” replied the man. Then the preacher took the smallest coin he had and placed it over the word. “Can you see it now?” he asked. The man understood and, by God’s grace, his spiritual sight was restored.
James Lowell wrote of the choice we each must make in like this:
Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide,
In the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side;
Some great cause, some great decision, offering each the bloom or blight,
And the choice goes by forever, ’twixt that darkness and that light.
For each of us the item may be different, the choice may take a different form – lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life, it could even be some combination of the three. But the result is still the same – God is blotted out.
I encourage you this month to make the right choice, and join the Psalmist in this prayer – Help us, O God of our salvation … and purge away our sins, for thy name’s sake. (Ps. 79:9)