Beyond Acceptance

Every Moment A Choice

When Evans, a ten-year-old unwanted child, enters his home, Aaron’s life is permanently transformed. Believing they have much to offer, Aaron and his wife, Stacy, choose to use their family and stable home as a platform to reach out to children in need through foster care. However, this undertaking was not as simple as they had anticipated. Evans is their first placement. Abandoned as an infant and tossed from home to home, he is a boy with no hope of ever being wanted. Aaron and Stacy often find themselves wondering about the outcome of their ambitious undertaking. The coping behaviors Evans has developed as a result of his past make him extremely challenging. Tantrums, mysterious disappearances, food fights, and impenetrable silence become a new part of their everyday life. Aaron is shaken by his lack of control. Stacy is crushed by the rejection of her affection. Their daughter, Jennie, is resentful of the chaos now ruling her life. As each new obstacle surrounds their family, they are dragged continually closer to the breaking point. Their future is fraught with questions. Can they continue? Will Evans ever understand? Will they be able to entrust themselves wholeheartedly to the hands of God? Is it possible to love the unlovable. . . is he really beyond acceptance?

Read the review, rent it, or buy it all from Christian Cinema.

Hlystan & Hlosnian

Great quote that gets to the heart of the quality of human interaction.

“I often ponder over the nature of true human sincerity, true transparency… It is a rare and difficult thing; and how much it depends on the person who is listening to us! There are those who pull down the barriers and make the way smooth; there are those who force the doors and enter our territory like invaders, there are those who barricade us in, shut us in upon ourselves, dig ditches and throw up walls around us, there are those who set us out of tune and listen only to our false notes, there are those for whom we always remain as strangers, speaking an unknown tongue. And when it is our turn to listen, which of these are we exactly…?”

–          Anonymous


Isaiah 11: 9:  They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Many have tried to find solutions and means by which a peaceful existence could be realized on earth. Whether on a global or localized scale they all have failed to last. This verse tells us the reason. The reason peace will come to the earth is not for lack of law enforcement or resources, but lack of knowledge. The knowledge of the Lord, and not just a passing knowledge but a knowledge that engulfs, overwhelms all who dwell on the earth. This is where peace finds its nurture and growth.

Prayer: Lord, may my heart, my mind, my home, my relationships be so filled with the knowledge of You, that I may be considered Your Holy Mountain.