Update for Mission

“We don’t create great services to make money, we make money to create great services.” – , founder of Facebook.

What if we were to take the same idea and put it to work in the church? The idea to put all the resources (time, talent, treasure) that we have to use in the local church to work in whatever God leads us to do to save souls.  I believe that the results would be world changing. One of the church founders – Ellen White – made it more than a suggestion.  She put it this way…

“Those who barricade the soul, refuse the invitation to the gospel feast; those who hoard up their talents to rust, unemployed, unimproved, must not think that such action in any way relieves them from responsibility; for God holds us responsible for the good we might do if we took up the yoke with Christ, lifting his burdens, learning more of his meekness and lowliness of heart day by day. The interest continues to accumulate on buried talents; and instead of decreasing our responsibility, the burying of our talent only increases and intensifies it. Let the human agent consider the solemn fact that the day of reckoning is just before us, and that we are daily deciding what our eternal destiny shall be.” – Review & Herald April 21, 1896.

Consider this year how you (individually & corporately) are going to use the talents given to you in the service of the Lord, and then do it!

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