Those who are thus appointed as over seers of the flock should be:
- (1) men of good repute;
- men who give evidence that they have not only (2) a knowledge of the Scriptures,
- but (3) an experience in faith, in patience, that in meekness they may instruct those who oppose the truth.
- They should be men of (4) thorough integrity, not novices,
- but(5)intelligent students of the Word,
- (6) able to teach others also, bringing from the treasure house things new and old;
- men (7) who in character, in words, in deportment, will be an honor to the cause of Christ,
- (8) teaching the truth,
- (9) living the truth,
- (10) growing up to the full stature in Christ Jesus.
This means the development and strengthening of every faculty by exercise, that the workers may become qualified to bear large responsibilities as the work increases.
Taken from: Ellen G. White Speaks to Conference Presidents*
* From a sermon given at the General Conference of 1883. . .
Gospel Workers, pp. 413-421.